Chanel Preston Chanel Preston will soon cross the line to become a real milfochka, but so far the beauty is among the young porn stars. The career of the American chick from Alaska began in 2010. Her colleague on the set was Nick Manning. The actress admits that it was the first experience that finally convinced the girl in her choice of profession. The friendly atmosphere and professionalism of the crew surprised the future starlet, who had a different opinion about the craft. Initially, the chick worked for the company Vivid Entertainment, but later was able to sign promising contracts with very famous firms like Evil Angel, Reality Kings and Naughty America. In her free time, the performer likes to listen to music and go for walks.

Chanel Preston

39 Years Old
Chanel Preston
Chanel Preston will soon cross the line to become a real milfochka, but so far the beauty is among the young porn stars. The career of the American chick from Alaska began in 2010. Her colleague on the set was Nick Manning. The actress admits that it was the first experience that finally convinced the girl in her choice of profession. The friendly atmosphere and professionalism of the crew surprised the future starlet, who had a different opinion about the craft. Initially, the chick worked for the company Vivid Entertainment, but later was able to sign promising contracts with very famous firms like Evil Angel, Reality Kings and Naughty America. In her free time, the performer likes to listen to music and go for walks.